Sunday, April 15, 2018

What Is A Sewer Camera Inspection? Everything You Need To Know

A sewer camera inspection is the use of a small video camera attached to a snake to examine a sewer line. This typically involves a plumber snaking the video camera through the sewer, and the image can be viewed on an attached monitor at ground level. The main purpose of sewer inspection services is to help determine whether there’s a problem with the sewer system in your home, identify what it is, and where it is located.

Benefits of a sewer camera inspection

sewer camera inspection

A major benefit of a sewer camera inspection is that it could save you the cost and trouble of having the entire sewer line repaired.  A foul sewer gas odor, slow draining or an overflowing toilet all indicate a sewer line problem. However, it would be difficult to tell whether you only need a minor repair job or a complete sewer line replacement job costing thousands of dollars without a visual of what you’re dealing with. That’s when a sewer line camera really comes in handy.  Other benefits of getting a sewer inspection are listed in the following post:

Sewer Line Camera Inspection: The Benefits


  1. You get the right fix for your sewer line blockage

When it comes to repairing your sewer line blockage, one size does not fit all. Finding and identifying the sewer line culprit allows the plumber to use the right solution. For example, if your sewer line is cracked, a cable clearing won’t do you any good — as it would clearing a piece of garbage or debris. Read more at Benjamin Franklin Plumbing...

What exactly can a sewer pipe inspection camera tell you?

sewer camera inspection

A major sewer problem means that some digging will have to be done. Sewer pipe inspection equipment allows the technician to know exactly where the pipe runs. The camera unit will typically have a transmitter whose transmission signal will be picked up by a locating device above ground. As such, the technician can tell exactly where a sewer blockage is, for instance, and where to dig.

However, it’s also important to note that there’s certain information you can’t get from a sewer camera inspection alone, as explained in the following post:

What a Sewer Camera Inspection Can’t Do


Despite what many in the plumbing industry think, there are limitations to what a sewer camera sees inside your sewer lines. But there is one thing a sewer camera absolutely cannot see.


Locate Leaks

A sewer camera alone cannot determine if you have a leak or to locate a leak or leaks in your sewer lines. In fact, this is so important, it bears repeating. Read more at In-House Plumbing...

How much does it cost to inspect a sewer?

sewer camera inspection

Inspection costs vary greatly, so the best way to determine how much a sewer inspection will cost you is to find out from the service provider you choose to work with. However, avoid making your choice based on the price alone. A company offering very cheap services may do so because it has inferior equipment, or as a way to get you to pay for costly services later on.

If you’ve done any research on sewer camera inspection, you might consider getting the equipment and doing it yourself. The following post offers some factors you should consider when determining whether that approach would work for you:

Can you do a video inspection yourself?


Yes, but it is more cost effective to hire a company.


Homeowner-level video inspection scopes are far too short to inspect more than the first few feet. Not only that, these scopes probably are not auto-focusing or self-righting.


By contrast, sewer video scopes and locator units owned by plumbing companies can cost upwards of $15,000. They have powerful lights; they are self-righting (the picture always stays upright); they are high-resolution; they have recording capabilities. Read more at The Spruce...

A sewer camera rental may be cheaper if you only need to confirm that there’s nothing wrong with your sewer system. However, if there’s definitely a problem, then you want to work with a professional company that you’re sure will have the best equipment and provide professional repair services once the problem has been accurately identified.

sewer camera inspection

Service Squad Plumbing is a team of expert technicians experienced in any and every plumbing inspection, replacement and repair problem. We offer top notch services and are dedicated to excellent customer service. Call us today on (817) 618-6322 for professional sewer line services. We promise to get to the bottom of the issue and fix it promptly.

Check out the full story here: What Is A Sewer Camera Inspection? Everything You Need To Know

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